Friday, January 14, 2011

How Do I Prepaid Service Disabled

truth? To me in that I would clog. Light

And not drunk. Saying goes there, that the truth always hurt. Well, I do not have hurt and to me is scared shitless. What does not? Do you then the following: first sit in front of the TV, grab a good package of popcorn, turn on the TV and enjoy the show.

Deaths right beside his house, serial murderers with a lack of a good psychologist, gusts that left him homeless anytime ...

All precious. Divine. I only imagine the face that we should be when we watch the news, mostly because they are bad people who do not even give us time to digest things.

recapitulate in less than half an hour I have said in the same instant that a maniac is about to kill it live, the storm "Alfa Omega II" is about to take my home. And all at once!

At that time, frankly, I begin to appreciate much more my life. I am a lucky, at least I'm not in the hole ... and I have roof!

Never mind the fact that my only income is derived from the misery that is me after my layoff unemployment (long live the workers cut! Yes, workers, because that's "personal" I do not block), no matter what the numbers are reaching exorbitant prices, I do not care if I have to retire, if necessary, to 158 years ... that are trivia.

only know that here I am Pearl. I have my blanket, my popcorn, my TV ... oh, and the roof, the roof to remove it I do not even God!


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