Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Salsa Dresses Showing Stomach

Jungle Manolo Sierra

There is no wall or a street or parking . There is a garden, an orchard, open fields, the slopes of a mountain and a river. There is a natural body that breaks the signs of the city. A jungle, a jungle, a jungle full of foliage penetrating from the neighborhood. There is a star is a sun that is a hope, which emerges and installed. There is a giant leaf that is all leaves that is all the fruit, which is all the oxygen, which is all shadow.

(Streets prayer and Serafin in Rondilla are dead ends. Contramilagros the developmental planning of the decade of 60 of the last century. Geography ignores clumsy humans, imposing brick and concrete, echoes property speculation. Manolo Sierra painted these cul-de-sac for a while, I suppose that at the request of the Neighborhood Association. The street has no outlet, but do not know if it is no wall or because you get into the intricacies and you get lost)


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