Saturday, April 30, 2011

How To Get Effects On Oovoo Posted November 1


Busto, breast, boob, breast, chest, we can call it whatever we want, but you can not deny that it is one of the female parts that are most attractive men awake. Women know this, and therefore, some of which are operated breasts to be more attractive or suggestive use fasteners to be noticed. If you want to know some trivia about this part of the female anatomy, here are a few.

Statistically, women's left breast is smaller than
A study of 600 women (and their breasts 1200) showed that most left breasts are smaller than those rights. There are no pairs of identical and perfectly symmetrical breasts.

Men can produce milk

Men also have mammary gland, but only in very rare cases this works and produces milk. Generally, when a man produces milk, is due to the effects of medication. Some treatments for cancer have this side effect in men, but as I said is very rare. If

adore her breasts, have a mental disorder

According Medical Dictionary of Mental Disorders DSM, he who feels an unusual attraction for the female breasts is a fetish and fetishism is a mental disorder (or so they say those gentlemen in gowns). It is considered fetish to anyone who seeks sexual pleasure sexual objects, objects or non-genital body parts.

Women who operate in the breasts, have a tendency to suicide

The American Journal of Epidemiology published an article by the University of Laval (Quebec), whereby data from the past 15 years showed women who had done a breast augmentation were 73% more fans to commit suicide than non-operated.
The study says this is because women who have surgery are more fragile psychological profiles tend to suffer from depression and low self-esteem. I disagree and I think that after a few years, come alive breasts and smother the ladies.

Some women reach orgasm to touch their breasts

According to sex educators and writers Marshall Miller and Dorian Solot, 1% of women can have an orgasm when their breasts stimulated. If your girlfriend has orgasms every time you "knead bread ", there are two options: either he is pretending (very likely) or is in the privileged group of ultra-orgasmic (not!).

weight and composition

The average bust of a woman is 500 grams and contains between 4 and 5% of total body fat. Average


The average bust in the U.S. is 36C. 15 years ago it was 34B.
The price of breast augmentation surgery costs about $ 3700 average (2543 €)
Sheyla Hershey holds the record of having larger breasts in the world. Your bra size is 38KKK and implants are 10 000 cc (approximately 10 liters). In the following photos you can see his huge attributes.

breasts Excess

not refer me to someone who was on his chest because their size, as our previous protagonist, but women with three breasts. Although there was no show, it is said that Queen Anne Boleyn as well as having six fingers on one hand, had three breasts. Also are some pictures of women with three breasts, as I show you, nor I can assure you they are not fake. Whether we look at the newspaper where news comes from a man who ties his dog with a sausage or a fish sodomite.

Money clips move

The fastener industry moves annually some 16 trillion dollars.

topless Legality of

Women in Hawaii, Texas, Ohio, Maine and New York are legally allowed to topless.

Friday, April 29, 2011

No Bubbles Or Rice At Wedding

This time the challenge is not with statues, but some children's characters in film and on the same street. The case is drawing the attention of the photo, and that women know how.

not know if this could become animal abuse, but if you leave, Bugs Bunny would get right away in its burrow.

This is what is called safe bet in this case with this card's famous fairy tale "Alice in the country Wonderland ".

do not know if this is Snoopy, but the index finger in that position encourages perversion.

With this "chocolate bar", no wonder that the "Incredible Hulk" harass him this way.

And there who makes even the very "Predator".

sure this poor snowman melted after that.

Someone should tell this girl that McDonalds dogs do not have them stored there "Ronald McDonald."

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sentiments For Baby Cards

Pisuerga Varadero

The banks of the area of \u200b\u200bThe Mulberry is a slipway. I wanted to pay homage to this sub-proletariat of the boats. As in humans there are classes among them. Not for nothing are the products of man's hand. In his image, likeness, need and use. And as happens with men are also at their luck and their retirements. I guess just hope these humble boats. To be updated? No health are seen with iron or, rather, to have the timber body in the best conditions. But they are crying out for a coat of paint, revisions to its keel, taking care of your interior. Will before stable and warm weather? That, as with humans, nor is it known. May also depend on the crisis.

Australian Tax On Irish Pensions


probably ever you said to your partner when you do not understand that sentence, would you say in Chinese?, but if we do not understand Chinese, how can we understand what they are determined to write in our language?. Here's a sample of Chinese posters in stores that confuse rather than clarify. It because they are the country of Confucius.

an appetizer, the poster for the opening of a china shop.

do not know what's going on in April at 17 hours, unless they want to say is that they open at that hour.

Luckily only they forgot to put the "R", because if you also forget to put the "E", what a mess that would have been armed.

"bequest" is to leave something as an inheritance, for we do not know whether to buy at this store give us the legacy of someone, or is that it "legal" thing.

And what are luxury items? Will the expensive items? Anyone know what they mean.

read this poster do not know if "Ante" and "A hello" are trademarks of colony or is it an offer of the season.

Man, I think he knows that stealing is not going to get rich, but there are some that I am excited to take the free stuff.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On A Pirate Ship Schematics

Advertisers are real artists, and more, as we have seen in a previous post, in a matter of billboards. The case is attracting attention, and boy, he got it.

The courier company called "FedEx", shows his speed of delivery to the fence where one person in North America delivers a package to someone in South America instantly.

same is true in Europe, where a British package provides another one of our country.

Mac Donald's never tires of announcing its establishment even three meters.

The same fast food chain shows an original sundial is what time to eat each menu.

There are those who are hungry to eat up the bread of the billboards.

And of course, with so much food commercial, some people take the opportunity to announce a Fitness Center.

sneakers to announce there who uses the environment with hedges included.

Uniquely vacuum also this announcement, which seem to be so strong as to pick up a balloon that passed by.

The focus of the fence itself is part of the scene police.

Electric cars can be recharged in that huge plug that appears at the facade of the building next door.

Salsa Dresses Showing Stomach

Jungle Manolo Sierra

There is no wall or a street or parking . There is a garden, an orchard, open fields, the slopes of a mountain and a river. There is a natural body that breaks the signs of the city. A jungle, a jungle, a jungle full of foliage penetrating from the neighborhood. There is a star is a sun that is a hope, which emerges and installed. There is a giant leaf that is all leaves that is all the fruit, which is all the oxygen, which is all shadow.

(Streets prayer and Serafin in Rondilla are dead ends. Contramilagros the developmental planning of the decade of 60 of the last century. Geography ignores clumsy humans, imposing brick and concrete, echoes property speculation. Manolo Sierra painted these cul-de-sac for a while, I suppose that at the request of the Neighborhood Association. The street has no outlet, but do not know if it is no wall or because you get into the intricacies and you get lost)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Removing Makeup For Sensitive Eyes

SITES speak for themselves more crime TORPES

Surely, I will ring these places, but lately they are a little changed.

Someone seems to be willing to "erase" is paradise island map.

Cayococo know why I called that. Too obvious.

Island "Monjattan" seems to be full of nuns very high.

However in "Corn" in the Balearic Islands, so there is lots of corn. Let that be a business to cinemas there.

Continuing with our country, it seems that "Zaragoza" has to do with the pleasure that women get when they go to buy the "Zara."

In this country seems that there are people doing vulgar things, hence the name, "vulgaria."

And in Canada, are so stingy that only give you a cane.

Recently we have witnessed the rise of some countries in northern Africa for more freedom, and one that is still a lot of fighting to get is "Libiartad."

What happened in Japan, makes its second syllable of a lot more scared than before.