As usual, sat his weary steps in the first coffee that was open.
No hurry, no one had been waiting so long ... even remember exactly from where. Every minute, every second that exact day ... when she left. But trying to remove it from your memory, that he already failed in some ways but always insisted on reminding others. He took a pencil from the inside pocket of his jacket and a paper napkin silkscreen "Thank you for visiting" behind wrote:
"Maria Elena ... and your name was ..
That fateful day the coming to see a loved one suffering, ignoring the fact watch him die.
Maria Elena was a flower, was a ray of light shooting,
lightning spasm of joy,
a strong mind and talkative,
a meaning for this life, a path, a portal.
Mary Ellen was an impulse, a drone agitator
a cry of nightingales, so gentle, so special ..
so full of gifts that I can not remember who had anything bad ..
was kind, a lover, was fair and gave peace.
Maria Elena was my ... and always will be. "
took the napkin and joined so many that he kept in his wallet skin ..
- "Please waiter, a coffee ... sure it is very hot ... short of milk and coffee looong ..."- said as he showed with his fingers that much should be put -" Ah, if it Cupcakes pongame two, thanks "-
Then he shut his eyes to better feel the sun on his face gave him through the window of that place ... and fell asleep.
Video: What a pity! Leon Felipe played by Hector Alterio
Photo: Lonely Soul by InanimateSickBoy
Music: River Flows in You by Yiruma
Text: Sleepless
Photo: Lonely Soul by InanimateSickBoy
Music: River Flows in You by Yiruma
Text: Sleepless
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